Saturday, October 3, 2009

Oct 3rd Another Clean up day

What did I do today? Well, after sleeping until noon, then making a quick trip to Krogers, I picked up my son from his friends house down the road to take him down to our land to do some fall clean up.  We have this acre of land a couple of miles from where we currently live with my mom. We want to have a Halloween party for Brandon and his friends on the 31st so we did a little clean up and I took these pic's with my phone.

This was a spot covered in stuff we wound up throwing away for scrap. I cleaned up the leaves with a rake. We found a big earth worm hidden in those leaves. I think that means the soil is good if you find big health earth worms for fishing.

Brandon is looking at the burn pile for his bon fire.

This was a mess before we stacked the bricks.

We cut down about 4 ceder trees that were deceased. We left 2 healthy ones that I want to move later.

This is my red maple. It blooms a pretty red the year we got the property but hasn't bloomed since. Eugene thinks it need fertilizer.

My baby boy.

He actually said those words. I think he needs to shave. That 5 o'clock shadow is getting rough.

We have a lot of these on the property. Eugene will have to find something to get rid of all these fireants.

Eugene cleaned up the trees between us the neighbors. This spot will be were my future garden will be.

It was a pretty good day with the weather being so good.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I have my First Follower!

Thank You Practical Manifestations.

I have my first follower on blogspot named Practical Manifestations. I found them on Facebook and I am following them through Networked Blog's. I had 7 previous followers on my other blog My 39th Year which was a total flop for me. I let it fall by the way side when I didn't have internet to update like I wanted to. So this time it will be different.

So a little bit of info about Practical Manifestations: the author is Bill Lowell, so thank you and thank you for the blog about advise on what to write about. Blogging about positive stuff is absolutely the best way to go. Your blogspt has a lot of great stuff on it and I hope everyone will take time to scroll through your archive to read some good stuff.

I don't want to forget my followers from Facebook.

Arleen - She is from New York, my sister-in-law and good friend. We are still in the process of making an Arkansan out of her :) but I'm sure if we sill succeed.

Stacy - He graduated from Sheridan High School but not the same year as me. He is a source of inspiration and always has something positive to say on Facebook.

Myself - I believe it was a requirement to add oursleves.

Ginny - I worked with her at the State Police for a couple of years before she retired. She is always in a good mood and is very talented with her gardens and cooking.

Charles - He graduated with me in 1987. Golley that was so long ago. I follow him on Facebook and is very proud of his grandchildren. Way to go Charles because the way it is going with my son - it will be a long time before I will have any grandchildren to be proud of.

Sans - He is my little brother. He is married to Arleen and they are raising a teenage boy. He can cook some mean hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill.  

Trisha - She is actually a friend of my husbands and a daughter of a man he admires. She always gets lots of responses from friends on Facebook and can make an exhausing job exciting.

Donna - She is a coworker and is always in a happy mood.

Marie - She is married to my little brother, no not Sans but Tommy. I was raised with Tommy. I have known him since he was in diapers along with Sans. They were always the best buds. Marie is the mother of two children and takes care of her mother-in-law.

     So thanks to everyone and I hope you will give me comments. I want to write interesting stuff and write about thing positive to give your spirit an uplift, not bring you down and sad.

Stay tuned . . . .

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Delimma

I have a delimma. I want to post things that are real and happening in my life but I am not sure I should. I want to tell my readers about the daily struggles I have but I am not sure I should. I want to express my feelings about things going on in my life but I am not sure I should.

Do you see my delimma? I wonder if I should post things that are real and happening to me. I worry about telling about something because somebody may get mad or misunderstand. I hear about people getting in trouble about things they post on Twitter and I don't want to be one of those people. Do you see my delimma?

If you, as my reader, can give some advise on what I should do, to post about real things in my life or just make up stuff? To maybe give the story and situation but not use real names? This has really been a conflict for me these past couple of weeks since I turned 40.

I see things in a whole new light now that I am older and I am really feeling it. I see people differently now. I want to stand up for my rights and say what I think but I'm actually scared to for fear of being attacked verbally. So my delimma is I don't know what I should be posting and what I shouldn't.

Any ideas?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Trip to Petco

Another rainy day in Little Rock. My niece Serina talked me into taking her to go to Tandy 10 to see a movie in North Little Rock. So I took her and we saw the new Ice Age movie about Dinosaur's.

Afterwards, she saw Petco in the shopping center across McCain Blvd and asked me to take her there. She wanted to pick up some stuff for her rat and cats.

I couldn't help but take some pictures of the little creatures I saw.

These rats loved the wheel.

They really had it spinning.

There was about 4 or 5 of them spinning at one time.

I found this other strange critter.

This Chameleon had some funny looking feet.

I just thought I would share these pictures.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

We Love Flea Markets!

We Love Flea Markets!
On the way to Hot Springs we took Sardis. If you have ever driven on Sardis road, you will see a sign that say's
"All Roads Lead to Sardis"
and this is where it took us.
Another Man's Treasure Flea Market
       And this was inside!       
Looks like it was made from
a shovel and some other tools.
I don't know what the price was on this
but whoever made it sure did do a good job.

Friday, September 11, 2009

My Birthday Day

     I slept in. I cooked a can of corned beef hash and scrambled some eggs for my momma and me. I did a little more laundry and was planning on watching my favorite soap "The Young & the Restless" but stupid tennis was on CBS.

     My niece Serina works part-time at Harvest Foods and gets to make cakes and cupcakes in the Bakery. She bought me a cake and ice cream.
Here she is taking a picture of my cake but I beat her to it.

Serina did this herself.

She even bought me some birthday cake icecream.


     But later, I got a surprise from my wonderful husband. He is late coming in from his full-time job. He called to let me know he was on the way and that I should guess what we gotta do.

     I "Being the mind reader I amtell him "No!"

     When he gets home, I asked why he even stopped by the shop. He said he needed to get some supplies but I didn't believe him. He said that Robert (not his real name) wants us to do the college because the boys on the van can't do it. Now I really don't believe him.
     In case you don't know, I have this little 5 hour job once a week for extra spending money for me. I had asked the boss if I could be off because I am off from my full-time job this week. He had gladly agreed. So this was planned for? Right? Apparently I am wrong.

    Eugene told me Robert wanted us to do it Sunday. I was like "No! We'll do it tonight. I don't want to come back from our trip and have to work."

    So here I go to work on my Birthday. Halfway through I felt like a sucker. My husband planned this. The reason I say that is because I have been off all week I have done some rearranging furniture in our room. I was trying to put a dresser on top of this other dresser in a corner but I wouldn't fit.

    On the floor, in the way, was this thing wrapped up in a plastic bag with some newspaper. I had no clue what it was. It had been in our room on the floor in this spot for over six months. I was getting quite frustrated because this darn dresser wouldn't fit so I picked up this unknown object and gave it just a little drop in another place on the floor.  


     My wonderful husband is laying on the bed watching me. He hollared that I broke it. I didn't hear it crack but apparently it did. I opened it up to see that some peaces were broke around the top. It landed on its bottom. I don't know how that happened.

     "You owe me $25.00" he first said.

     I just kept on doing what I was doing and growing more frustrated that this dresser wouldn't fit into a space that it should.  Almost as soon as the twenty-five dollar amount came out of his mouth he increased the amount by ten dollars in his next breathe.

     "Yup, that cookie jar is fifty years old. You own me $35.00"

     Eugene had to go to work another part-time job that evening so when he came home the amount increased to $50.00. This was two days ago. so now with the amount being $50 for a couple of days he decided since it was my birthday that I should pay him $85 by giving me my part-time check I will get.
While I was cleaning toilets he was sitting down.
But he did help me mop.
     So that is what I did today. Eventhough I broke this supposedly fifty year old vase, he has broken things worth a lot more money.
     He bought this washing machine a long time ago for about $50.00 and he had to eat it. It did not work.
     I'm not totally sure I broke this cookie jar. And even if I did, I don't think it was worth that much. And if it was, why was it in our bedroom?


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Trip to UAMS

I took my sister to UAMS, not me, for a follow up visit on a kidney stone surgery she had last month. So I took some pictures I thought I would share.
It was raining on the way over there.
A new gas station opened up at the corner of University and 65th Street. They finally put up some prices after being 8.88 for unleaded and 9.99 for Desiel for the past month.
This is a view from the 6th floor looking towards the VA Hospital where I have a lot of bad memories from my father being in there and my father-in-law too.
This is looking down at the circle drive. The Jones Institute is the big building across the way.
Another view from the 6th floor.
They had free coffee in the waiting area and I got a small cup even though I usually don't drink more than one cup a day. But really I haven't had a decent cup of coffee since Sunday morning from the gas station across the street.
This is my sister on the walkway back to the parking deck.
A street shot from the walkway.
UAMS is under constructions.
On the way home, I took the interstate. The sun was shining and traffic was light even though it was about 4:30. If you have ever driven through Little Rock between 3 and 6, you know that rush hour  traffic is really really bad.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Vacation spent being Sick

      I have been sick all week thanks to my husband. It is just a sinus cold. My nose has been running but I haven't had a fever or even have a temperature so I'm not really worried about going to the doctor.

     Other than Monday, I have been cleaning my room and the living room. Here is  a picture of our newly remodeled living room.

     Well, it's actually not remodeled but it is wonderful to have Brian out of that space. We have this big five bedroom house and Brian has had to sleep in the living room since he has been here. My sister had bought him a trailer shortly after moving in with us and put it in the front yard but it was short lived. He complained about it leaking. He complained about it being to cold, it was to hot, it was this and it was that so he wound up sleeping in the house.
     Brandon is on the verge of going into job corps so we asked him to give Brian his room because Brian keeps us up at night with his rap and loud stereo and tv. So that is what I have been doing today, getting Brandons thing out so Brian can get out of our hair. So now I am sitting here in my room and can't hear the boom boom in the living room. The living room is normal now. Everyone in the house has a bedroom except when Brandon comes home he will have to sleep on his futon we took from his room and put in the dining room part of the house.
     This table is my kitchen table. I need to redo it. It needs to be sanded and the chairs need to be recovered. So if you came to my house, we can sit at this table and play canasta.
     Canasta anyone? Bring some JD, Canada Mist, wine coolers or what ever tickles your fancy.

Labor Day Special

     For Labor Day we didn't have a get together at home. I didn't even spend all day with my husband. I spent the day with my son and took him out to eat Chinese. Eugene doesn't like Chinese but Brandon does. So I told him that when we get together that going out to eat Chinese will be our special thing to do.

     We went to the Chinese place next to Walmart on Baseline Monday afternoon. This is part of what I ate.
     After eating sweet and sour chicken and a couple of those things with cabbage, I went straight for the pizza. The cream puff thing on the left was super duper good. The pink and yellow cakes were good too. They were layered with a light cool whip. I thought the flavor would be stronger but they weren't so I would say the little cakes are okay. The pizza was really good too.
     So whenever I have the extra money and it is just Brandon and I, we are going to eat Chinese.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

It is Monday, Labor Day, Sept 7th, 2009. Four days to my 40th Birthday.

A little bit about me. I am married. Live in central Arkansas and plan on using this blog in a way that will change my whole concept of blogging as compaired to my other blog

Please take time to read it if you can and subscribe to this feed.

Thanks, Lisa