Saturday, September 19, 2009

Trip to Petco

Another rainy day in Little Rock. My niece Serina talked me into taking her to go to Tandy 10 to see a movie in North Little Rock. So I took her and we saw the new Ice Age movie about Dinosaur's.

Afterwards, she saw Petco in the shopping center across McCain Blvd and asked me to take her there. She wanted to pick up some stuff for her rat and cats.

I couldn't help but take some pictures of the little creatures I saw.

These rats loved the wheel.

They really had it spinning.

There was about 4 or 5 of them spinning at one time.

I found this other strange critter.

This Chameleon had some funny looking feet.

I just thought I would share these pictures.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

We Love Flea Markets!

We Love Flea Markets!
On the way to Hot Springs we took Sardis. If you have ever driven on Sardis road, you will see a sign that say's
"All Roads Lead to Sardis"
and this is where it took us.
Another Man's Treasure Flea Market
       And this was inside!       
Looks like it was made from
a shovel and some other tools.
I don't know what the price was on this
but whoever made it sure did do a good job.