I am currently intrigued with videos about our body, soul and spirit connections. I watch a lot of YouTube. I find myself pulled back to one particular YouTuber. He is the Global Witness. He started out as doing videos called Anonymous where he exposed things the big governments and Hollywood insiders were doing. His name is Derek Bros. He started about a little over a year ago talking about how he come to know things that were revealed to him by the Father. He felt that he was obligated to come out and expose the hippocrates of the churches and religion.
I have and still continue to follow Evangelist Anita Fuentes on YouTube. I still find myself watching her but she doesn't give me the bread - knowledge I need to grow spiritually. I watch her when I want to know about prophecy. How it is being full filled from the Bible. Now, Derek also has others that he watches on YouTube and I have watched videos they post on YouTube but none of them can give me truth as he does.
Am I promoting his channel? Not intentionally because he doesn't need someone like me to tell you to follow his channel. But if you want to know what I think, then yes, I think you should give him a chance to explain how the world works. I have been enlightened and watching a recent video, not by him but by someone new to YouTube called Kingdom of Truth. (I love his accent) He is also speaking some spiritual truths that also resonant with my soul. On one of his videos as he was speaking, something came to my mind that totally made sense.
Now, I work in a large office at my current job I have had over 18 years now. I have just about been in every corner. Let me explain. They large room has cubical's that split into 9 rows of 5 cubical's with 4 isles.
I have and still continue to follow Evangelist Anita Fuentes on YouTube. I still find myself watching her but she doesn't give me the bread - knowledge I need to grow spiritually. I watch her when I want to know about prophecy. How it is being full filled from the Bible. Now, Derek also has others that he watches on YouTube and I have watched videos they post on YouTube but none of them can give me truth as he does.
Am I promoting his channel? Not intentionally because he doesn't need someone like me to tell you to follow his channel. But if you want to know what I think, then yes, I think you should give him a chance to explain how the world works. I have been enlightened and watching a recent video, not by him but by someone new to YouTube called Kingdom of Truth. (I love his accent) He is also speaking some spiritual truths that also resonant with my soul. On one of his videos as he was speaking, something came to my mind that totally made sense.
Now, I work in a large office at my current job I have had over 18 years now. I have just about been in every corner. Let me explain. They large room has cubical's that split into 9 rows of 5 cubical's with 4 isles.
The red X are cubicles that I have practically lived in for the last 18 years. I started in cubical number 1, then I went to number 2 for a little while and went back to number 1 which I also called number 3. The things I did got changed so I went to number 4 for a while. My job duties changed again so I went to number 5 then to number 6. I actually changed jobs so I went back to number 4 which became number 7 for me. Then with my change in job duties I went to number 8. So you could say I have been just about everywhere.
So now, with that being established. While listening to this guy on Kingdom of Truth explain how our spirit is within this body along with our souls and until our soul seeks the Father and learns the knowledge our spirit know, then we come back again and again in the flesh.
I don't believe in reincarnation. At least I thought I didn't believe in reincarnation. Now I think I understand why he said what he said. We come back into human form because we didn't learn about God the Father. We don't learn what our souls seek to understand about what our spirit needs.
To break this down more - my epiphany. I was moved around this room quit a few times. I could feel the energy in the room. With all the people in the room, I can close my eyes and feel the consciousnesses in the room. ---- I can literally feel how people are feeling. --- I can hear with my ears the mood of the room. Sitting at the back of the room which is on the right of the picture is a totally different mood than sitting at the front or the left side of the room. So sitting in the middle is totally different than the other places. Sitting on the left side is more energetic. With more people, more things go on and the spirits are high. Sitting on the right side is more mellow. The people are more relaxed and things go smoother. Less energetic. So you would think sitting in the middle would be a balance. You would think so but it really is not the case.
When I was in the middle, number 4 and 7, I took on a discomfort. I felt like the room was going to collapse. I could feel the conflict of souls from those on the left to those on the right. I felt like those on the left and those on the right could have a knife fight anytime and I would be wounded in the process.
Now. I didn't feel it so much when I was there at number 4 than I was at number 7. So going from 4 to 5 helped mellow out my moods but then I felt invisible at 5 so going to number 6 helped establish some of the stability I needed for a little bit of time. But then I felt like an anchor being in the corner of the room. Instead of the animosity of the room being balanced, it was all on one side and brought down my soul. Going to number 7 just go worse and I think going to number 8 where I am now takes me a place of balance without feeling the chaos in the room tugging away at my soul.
I do like Feng Shui so I found this map of the layout of the room. Here it is compared to our office.
So now, see how placement in a room can correspond with not only how I feel spiritually but how it relates to my soul and giving me peace. I feel grounded and more in tune with my feelings. At number 8 I don't feel the collective consciousnesses. Water and Fire do not mix and being in Metal deflects it. When I was in Wood I absorbed it. When I was close to the Fire, it really affected my spirit.
I don't know if anyone else can see where I am coming from with this little demonstration. How does all this tie in together with what he said? Well, I think it comes in the knowledge of knowing where I stand in not only my life but the lives of others. We are all connected in some way or another.
How other feel and whats going on in there lives definitely defines and affects my life which in turn affects the lives of those I touch out side of the office. You don't know how many times I wish I could just have an office and shut the door on all the things going in on and around my daily work life but then again I would be missing out. I would not be surrounded by a collective consciousnesses in continuous motion.
I could rattle on and on about things of this nature - in writing - of course - but not so much in speaking. Speaking of these things bring it to life whereas writing it down puts it into your spirit if it resonates with your soul. If I speak it, I could say it wrong and cause chaos and calamity whereas writing gives me a foundation to build up.
Anyone who knows my knows I do not speak much about me or my life and those things I believe. I feel that I don't speak things for fear of rejection. I know there is love and hate, good and bad and acceptance and rejection. My spirit wants love, goodness and acceptance. My soul is scared of the hate, bad and rejection. It is a conflict within everyone.
My writing comes to life with Each Word and I can reach more people this way as I am afraid to speak in public for these very things I write of.
Here are some links to some things I think you will find very insightful because I know I did.
"This fake reality that we’re living" by Kingdom of Truth
So if you have read all of this to the end, I would very much appreciate a comment. Even if it is negative criticism, it will be okay as I will take it as a learning lesson.