Friday, July 23, 2010

Something to think about

I was on my way to work yesterday when I passed something on the side of the road. I was like "What was that?" Eventhough no one was with me in the truck, I took the time to answer myself by saysing "I'm gonna go back and see what that was."

I pulled over to the side of the road and waiting for a couple of cars to pass before turning around. I slowed down to look closer and decided to go on down and turn around so I could pull over to take a picture. What I saw kind of amused me that someone would take the time to do this and they must be intelligent because none of the words where misspelled like I would find with lots of signs strangers post on the sides of the road.

After getting out my handy camera on my cell phone and zooming in, I took a picture. Then took another picture of the whole thing.
I was surprised that someone would do this. I went on to work that day. I shared this with my sister who published these pic's on her blog for today's THV
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the link for Pit Bull Attack by DietCola.

If this is true, then this would be the second time a Saline County Officer shot a dog on our road. A while ago, on down the road, someone called the police because this lady had some pit bulls and one got out. Another neighbor said on TV that she saw him shoot the dog for no reason. Did this happen again?

I am not sure, I have no opinion on this matter. I just want to know what is going on in our community. I live in rural Saline County. The country living is not what it used to be. We recently had a neighbor die in another neighbors yard over something . I wanted to get out of the city to get away from crime but it seems to be following us.

Are we safe anywhere we live? In this day and age, it's not the 80's anymore, I can't leave my car unlocked even in the country. We even had someone steal scrap metal out of our yard in broad daylight.

I think that this is something that needs to be address by the newspaper or tv. Nothing surprises me much anymore. What do you think?


  1. I understand your concern Lisa, but feral dogs are becoming a problem again.
    I suppose that it is one of the disadvantages of living rural. Many people abandon or dump these dogs in a rural area where they think that someone will take them in. However, if they are left to fend for themselves, they will go wild. Wild dogs were a problem in Jefferson and Grant counties a few years ago.
    I hate to see such action taken, but it is better than a child on a bicycle being attacked by a pack of 'wild dogs'.
    We need to find out who the owners are and hold them accoutable for letting a dog who weighs as much as some full grown men to run around loose.
    I myself have been in a situation where no less than 6 of these hungry abondoned animals where coming at me. It is not a good place to be, and I thank the Lord that I was close to my truck.

  2. Anonymous,
    I am not sure if they are shooting feral dogs, I am not sure if they are even wild dog's. It is my understanding that these dogs belong to dog owners who love them and take care of them. Why would someone take the time to spray paint a piece of board and put the dog in front of it unless it was there dog?

    I also know there are wild dogs around Grant County because my sister-in-law, Arleen, had a couple of wild feral dogs attack her beloved dog in broad day light.

    I don't know if it was truely the Saline County Sheriff who shot that dog but a couple of months ago a cop did because it was on the news.

    I am just wanting to let the people who live out here know what may be or may not be happening.
