Saturday, September 11, 2010


Hello again,    I want to share something with you. I like to find new things on the Internet. I like to keep my mind busy. I have found that my job at the place I work is just that - work. I am stagnant. I am content. I enjoy what I do and because I know everything there is to know about what I do - at work- at least I think so, I am complacent. I have to find stimulation from other things. I have to find places away from work to keep my mind up-to-date with the world so I go searching on the Internet.
   I wanted to go back to school. To take some courses in an area that would help my work situation but after considerable analysis of what it would take - I decided to pursue my desires and talents in my writing. Writing has become a very valuable part of my life and I share it with all of you who read my writings. I have no clue who reads them. I have no clue as to what you think. Heck, I have no clue if my writing is worthy of being published on this blog but I do know that I the desire I have to write overrides any other inclination of pursuing any remote possibility of trying to get ahead in my work area at work. To me - this is what I wish my job was although I do my current job really well. 

    So hear you go. A link to a philosophy class at Yale University. It is FREE. I love free stuff. It is educational. And although it's not a writing class or literature class it is a class that made me want to think. Go to  The instructor is very unique and easy to listen to as a lecturer.

Like all classes there is a syllabus and he has all these things to read. I do believe this subject will make everyone think and the cool thing about Yale is it has videos of the instructor giving the class  You can go to this website to download each or just go to Youtube to watch it online without downloading. I have downloaded the first 5 classes because I want to take time to watch them and have them to watch over in case I miss something.

So here you go - some links to free classes to keep you thinking. If you are anything like me, then you don't have time to attend a three hour class each week but having this available, even though you don't get credit, to listen to and read at your leisure is awesome.

On this syllabus he has some books you need to read. The first one is called Richard Wright, Black Boy (American Hunger) (Harper Perennial Restored edition, 1993) 1945  and I looked on Amazon so here is the book.

The second one is Flannery O'Connor, Wise Blood (Farrar, Straus and Giroux) 1949

The next on is Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita (Vintage) 1955

I guess I could go on with this list but check out the course syllabus for the rest. I am going to watch his first lecture tonight and may try to give some feedback for this blog. Or I may even abandon this whole idea and pick another course or I may not even do it at all.  I guess we will see.

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