Sunday, April 10, 2011

Arkansas Literary Festival

Today I am going to go to another workshop held at the Creative Cox Center at 3 PM. The speaker will talk about how to create and develop characters. This should be very interesting. I had gone yesterday morning to a workshop on how to write Fiction from Fact. I think most of my stuff is taken from Fact and I  Fictionalize it by changing names, places and making it very very more interesting. My life indeed is boring! The speakers were Laura Castoro and Phillip McMath.
The afternoon session I attended was by Ree Drummond. The Pioneer Woman.

  The most interesting person in my life, except my crazy family, is my husband. We got married in 1993, which is what (counting on fingers now) 17 years because we got married in November so then it will be 18 years. Wow! Married to the same man for 18 years now. We are even starting to look alike. For real people. We stay within 20 lbs of each other. I am trying to lose weight and can't because he's not losing weight.

     My husband actually didn't want me to go yesterday morning. He expects me to stay home when I am off work and do his to-do list. And if I don't do what he wants me to do, he will lay a guilt trip on me. He actually laid a guilt trip on me last night and he won. We took "Old Blue" (his 83, 84, 84, 86 GMC pickup) down to our land (of course I had to drive) and Red had to come along too. We got gas at the corner store. He didn't ask for anything. We got down there, did a little raking and he starting burning the leaves. His rake broke. Then the wind picked up so we had to stop burning. He got some water in an old antifreeze plastic jug from the neighbors because we don't have water yet. (It cost $125.00 to get the water turned on, jeez.)
So we put it out by stomping on all the little red lights because, now it is dark, and we can see the red chunks of fire. So then we go home.
     He doesn't say stop at the corner store. He lets me drive us on home. Then after I get in bed, turn on my computer and get comfortable, he says, go to the corner store and get me some ice cream woman. And of course, I am like, why didn't you say something when we passed it? And he is like, I don't know. Just go get it. And then I say, you go get it. And he says, I'm in my underwear and in bed. And then I'm like, you should have said something, I'm not going to do that. So he is like, call Brandon (He calls Brandon when he doesn't want to get up and do something for himself. He thinks our grown child is his slave. lol) But Brandon hangs the phone up on him so then he gets mad. He start in by saying we don't ever want to do anything for him.       
     He says that I'm not helping him. He worked all day and is tired and I don't do anything for him.
His used a guilt trip on me. I am trying to help him and so I get mad right back and he just makes it worse by saying that I'm not working with him and I'm not trying to help him. How in the hell am I helping him by walking across the street to get him a pint of chocolate ice cream?
     Well, anyway, I wound up walking over there and I got 2 scratch off lottery tickets but didn't win a thing. Luck was just not on my side. It's not like I laid in bed all day or sat in front of the couch eating. I went downtown and walked the streets. (Wait that doesn't sound good either.) I went downtown to be with other intellectuals which required me to walk the streets of downtown Little Rock.
     Men. We can't live with them and can't live without them. My husband is my book. My ex-husband is also another book. My family is a book too. And my husbands family is a big book. Fact or Fiction? Fiction or Fact? You will never know.
     The first book link at the top is a book written by the the workshop I am attending today by the speaker Suzanne Arruda. The workshop I changed my mind about attending is by Paul Reyes and the book below is his book. He will be talking about turning a short story into a long story.

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