Friday, December 2, 2011

Facebook and other things you need to know about me.

So whose line is it anyway? So what does it matter? Who said what? Do I really care? Does it matter what anyone says? I just wonder.

Thinking over the last couple of months of not posting anything has really been bugging me. I can’t think of things to write about until just now. I am an avid user of Facebook. You can find me on Facebook too!

I love to read what others have to say about life. It is really a good way of finding out what people are all about. You can find out what they think. You can find out their education level by misspelled words or how much texting language they use in their status. lol jk

I see people on there who practically post their who entire lives and share them with other people who are their friends and even the whole public world. After tweaking my settings, I make sure my status is only seen by certain people and not the whole world. Who needs to know if I’m at the grocer store or at work. Who needs to know if I am having family problems or inner ear trouble?

One thing I have noticed about Facebook is how people love to share stupid stuff - photos, videos, links to other websites. All of this is very telling about that person. I love to get on You Tube and share videos I find interesting. Mostly stuff I find interesting and I am interested in or something that is a part of who I am.

We should really be careful about what we post and how we post. Employers can get on there and find out about you especially if you post that you got drunk last Saturday night and passed out in someone else’s bed.

So with all this being said or not being said. I am still married in Arkansas. Eighteen years now. Maybe I have revealed more about myself in my blogs than I should but I do have more control about what you will ultimately think about me.

Some things you may notice about my blogs is spelling. I am not the best speller in the world. I never won any spelling bees in school. I usually didn’t make it past the second round so spell check is something I truly love. I had two years of typing in high school and we used those old dinosaur electric typewriters. I used white out faithfully.

You may also notice that I only post when something is on my mind. I can’t start writing a blog unless I have something to think about. Most of my blogging is done at night after an eventful day whether it be at work or home. Something has to hit me to give me incentive to write.

My muse has been gone lately. I don’t know at this point how to get it back. I have a goal I had set for myself. To have a book written and published by the time I am 45 years old. I am 42 now. Three years. Do I have enough time? I don’t even have a clue as to what it is I am supposed to be writing. Divine inspiration has not hit me over the head with a baseball bat and I don’t know if it ever will.

I need suggestions but I believe the only way I am going to get any is just to start writing. I have started many stories but they don’t keep me interested in finishing them.

I need to find what I am good at. What am I good at? What am I good at? Ending sentences in prepositions? Yes, Ending sentences in prepositions. At? Of? Of course, dialog is not my foray either.

Well, I think I have wasted enough of your time by making you read this. Please, please, please! Email me at if you can give me any advise about what it is that might be a good subject to write about. I am open to anyone’s suggestions. Or if you just want to email me for the hell of it, that is okay too.

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